Trash Can Part three

Hi blog..

Hari ini gw mau cerita tentang kemarin.. Kemarin gw kesal banget.. Mulai dari kerjaan kantor yang makin"menggila", orang kantor yang menyebalkan, sama kesal nci nci penjual tas yang ga punya manner..

Rasanya gw masih menyimpan kekesalan ini sampe sekarang terutama yang ke dua dan ketiga..

Kita mulai dari cerita pertama dulu, jadi gini.. Di kantor sekarang lagi puncak-puncaknya karyawan  resign. Ada 8 orang yang akan resign dalam bulan Mei (menghelaa napas), otomatis kerjaan gw bakal nambah dong.. kenapa? ya iya laah.. gw harus cari gantinya dalam waktu cepat, dan kali ini bos gw minta gw cari 20 orang sekaligus (tepok jidat!). Secara gw sendiri disini jadi HR (sebelumnya gw udah pernah cerita soal ini). Alhasil gw disuruh pasang iklan di Jobstreet. Dan kemarin itu (tepatnya sudah sejak 3 hari sebelumnya) interview memilih calon karyawan yang sesuai kriteria sudah di mulai.. Kerjaan gw yang lain makin keteteran, mulai dari arrange kerja sama provider dengan rumah sakit (masih ada beberapa yang pending), gw juga sekarang sedang menyusun anggaran untuk outing kantor.. jadi gw sibuk ngejar tanda tangan big bos untuk approval budgetnya.. (Belah aja kali ya badan gw!). Tapi alhamdulillah kemarin sore, sudah di approve dan di tanda tangan.. tinggal urus ke bagian finance.. Walopun sebenarnya ada panitianya (yaitu staff), tapi gw yang ditugaskan soal "minta-meminta budget" (orang yang sibuk dibelakang layar).

Nah yang kedua, gw kesal karena.. kemarin gw sedang interview sama salah satu pelamar.. jadi ada dua ruangan yang biasanya dipake buat interview, satu ruang bos Malaysia gw yang suka kosong karena bos gw lagi di Malaysia, kedua ruang meeting yang rada gedean.. Sebelumnya gw udah tanya sama sekretaris direktur mengenai ruangan mana yang available buat interview.. karena gw mau pake buat interview. Jadi berhubung saat itu sedang ada pertemuan, maka ruangan bos gw yang mw di pake. - FYI, kenapa gw sebut "bos gw", jadi begini di kantor gw itu ada 2 company tapi 1 group (XYI&QS) tapi beda management.. yang buat sama hanya beberapa persen saham XYI (dimana gw bekerja) dimiliki sama owner QS- ok, lanjut lagi ceritanya... jadi yang gw sebut tadi ruangan yang mau dipake buat pertemuan tadi adalah ruangan bos XYI, ok fine.. gw ga masalah selagi ada ruangan lain.. Akhirnya gw dialokasikan ke ruang meeting QS yang gedean. Nah, pas gw lagi interview tiba-tiba masuk manager technical QS, terus meng-cut sesi interview gw..

 "eh ruang ini mau dipake meeting.." saat itu darah gw naik sampai ke ubun-ubun rasanya. Saat itu gw sedang interview, dalam hati gw: lo seenak kepala jidat lo masuk ga ketok, dll.. Ga punya etika banget.
Kata kasarnya: Gw udah mau pinjemin ruangan bos gw (XYI) buat pertemuan bos lo (QS) sekarang lo malah ngusir gw.. Bangkeee!!

Trus, mbak D, skretaris direktur langsung manggil tuh manager, terus menanyakan apakah sebelumnya dia sudah pernah bilang ke dia soal ruangan yang mau dipake buat meeting. Karena kalo soal ruangan mbak D yang urus dan arrange.. trus seenak perutnya tuh manager (FYI, baru aja di angkat manager tepatnya) jawab, "emang harus bilang dulu yah, gw lupa tuh.." dengar jawaban itu nambah emosi gw, mana pelamar gw nunggu kita bertiga di depan pintua ruang meeting (such asshamed).

Akhirnya gw dengan langkah cepat cari ruangan lain, kebetulan company gw ada kantor lagi di lantai lain, dan gw langsung inisiatif menuju ke lantai itu.. Memang sebenarnya di sana ada ruangan yang bisa dijadikan tempat meeting tapi selalu dipake.. Ok lah akhirnya gw ke sana dengan hati kesal. Mungkin mbak D jadi ga enak karena gw keluar dengan tergesa-gesa dan muka muram..

Begitu selesai interview, gw langsung menyerahkan sesi berikutnya ke tim teknikal, selanjutnya gw kembali ke ruangan gw. Tiba-tiba teman gw langsung ngomong gw di cariin sama pak De, direktur QS.. trus gw kaget ngapain gw dicari-cari.. bodo amat ah dalam hati gw, gw langsung lanjut kerja.. tiba-tiba pak De masuk ke ruangan dan minta maaf soal ruangan tadi.. dia ngerasa ga enak karena sudah memakai ruangan XYI, sehingga mengganggu aktifitas XYI. Tapi, sebenarnya gw kesel sama manager yang udah usir gw itu.. masih dongkol, gregetan, apalagi klo ketemu dia.. rrrgh!! tapi pak De warranty gw ga akan terulang kembali, dan kalau perlu dia siap membantu (hehehehe.. jadi enak :)), thanks pak De..

Selanjutnya, ini ga kalah bikin gw kesel masih hari yang sama.. Jadi pas kelar kerja, gw keluar dari kantor jam 5  lewat dikit.. Gw berencana mampir ke Ambasador mall.. Pengen cari dompet karena dompet gw udah rusak, maklum kebanyakan bon-bon kantor. Akhirnya gw pergi sendirian,, setelah keliling2 akhirnya nemu yang pas dan sreg .. gw beli deh dompet Tory Burch warna broken white. Afterwards, gw keliling2 lagi sekalian lihat2 tas.. Mayan cuci mata habis ngantor. Gw singgah ke satu toko nih.. gw tanya ke si mbak nya..

gw: "mbak.. saya mw lihat yang ini dong", sambil nunjuk ke display
mbak: yang ini yah, sambil ambil tas dari display..
gw: ini berapa mbak..
mbak: "ini berapa yah.. " dia ragu-ragu dan menanyakan langsung ke pemilik toko (si nci.. nci.. dengan bedak menor 5cm). "Ini berapa mi?"
pemilik toko: mbak punya uang berapa? budget mbak berapa? dia tanya ke gw..

daaang!! bangkeee ni orang, nanyanya ga ada etika banget. Tersinggung banget gw! dipikir gw ga mampu beli!!

gw: berapa mbak!? gw ga jawab dy, gw masih sabar disini.. cm dalam hati dah pengen maki2 nih nci nci..
pemilik toko: yang ini 1,5 juta

dalam hati gw, ahh 1,5 juta doang.. songongnya minta ampun! Dipikir gw ga bisa beli!! Satu hal lagi, pas gw pengen lihat warna tas yang ga ada display, mereka ogah mengeluarkan kalo ga pasti beli dengan alasan ada di gudang dan malas untuk bongkar2 bt cari warna tas yang gw mau. OK! gw ga mau berlama2 disana, gw langsung pergi no say thanks. BODO' AMIR! Toko macam apaan tuh, kayak begitu cara melayani pembeli. Sumpah nyebelin banget, ga akan lagi-lagi gw kesitu.. rrrgggh!

Selanjutnya gw udah ga mood dan langsung cabut pulang..


Just Need a Little This and Little That

Hi Blog..

It's me agian and again.. Rasanya dah lama ga update blog.. Now i m going to write about my wedding preparation.. I can say my preparation is about 60%.

1. The wedding invitation. Yup! satu printilan udah selesai. Senangnya.. Undangan sudah kelar, tinggal cetak nama yang mau diundang (duh.. males banget ngebayangin harus ngetik satu2..) Tapi mau ga mau ya harus..

2. Bicara wedding event so pasti perlu EO, EO yang gw percayakan untuk mengurus wedding gw is Puspita Sawargi. Karena sudah terbukti bagus di pernikahan kembaran gw tahun lalu. Selain kualitasnya sudah jempol punya, penanganan bagus banget dan pihak EO nya ikut serta memberikan masukan yang sesuai dengan apa yang kita mau. Yup.. Untung banget bisa ditanganin langsung sama yang punya, tante Linda. Enaknya kita bisa minta bonus, hehe.. segak-nya menguntungkan lah dikita. Selain ramah, juga memberikan saran mengenai menu makanan yang best recommended, rias pengantin yang bagus. Alhamdulillah.. senangnya.. Silahkan cek di website-nya: .

3. Berdasarkan rekomendasi dari Puspita, maka gw memutuskan menggunakan Miarosa sebagai pihak yang merias pengantin dan keluarga gw & cowok gw nanti pas nikahan (akad dan resepsi). Konsep nikahan gw ala Nasional, waloun bokap gw Jawa dan nyokap campuran Minang cuma kita memutuskan untuk pake konsep Nasional saja (biar me-Nusantara, hehe). Yang gw suka dari Miarosa, selain baju-baju pengantin yang bagus dan model terbaru, make up Miarosa natural banget!
Begitu gw melihat brosurnya gw langsung fall in love dengan make upnya.
Selain itu Miarosa punya model baju pengantin yang bagus dan terbaru (pokoknya apa yang gw mau, hehe). Gw di tangani sama mbak Fitri yang super sabar banget mendengarkan apa yang gw pengenin dari busana yang mw gw pake nanati.. Dia juga memberikan masukan mana yang bagus. Selain itu dia juga memberikan rekomendasi busana yang baru. Bisa di cek di:

4. Wedding singer, sempet bingung dan kelimpungan cari wedding singer yang akan isi pas nikahan nanti. Karena konsep yang dipake nasional jadi lagu-lagunya ya menasional.. dan no traditional song, hihiihii.. Setelah cari-cari diinternet akhirnya ketemu deh sama Partyku band, gw langsung telp mas Roni marketing salesnya. Band ini menawarkan paket lagu yang gw mau banget. With piano, saksofon, bass, and 2 singer.. :)

5. Photographer, yang satu ini juga sempet cari dulu buat prawed dan acara. Kembaran gw kasi rekomendasi ke 9 photography, karena murah dari yang lain. Sempat sih cari alternatif lainnya, tapi ternyata setelah cari-cari pilihan yang ok di hasil jepretannya dan harga.. Eng ing eng akhirnya pilihan jatuh di 9 photography. Please check:

Ok then,, sementara ini aja yang bisa gw ceritain.. Carry on later all :D

Happy 1 year and 10 months

Hi Blog..

Here i am again.. Tonight i would to write the story of my relationship. It's a long distance relationship that me and my bf have been through. We already proof to all that even the distance we can make it work.. Though it not always goes smoothly. Yes, it was in 14th June 2009 we decided to commit for the relation that we have been made. After the dealing and considered the risk that we would be facing up in the future of the distance we were agree and promise each other to always keep the commit. Our last destination is the marriage.

I am in Indonesia and he was in Egypt and now he is in US. So, we were spending this 1 year and 10 months in a distance. It's not easy but also i admit that i enjoy it (sound insane huh..) But sometime i jealous seeing my friends hanging out or dating with her bf on Saturday night.. Otherwise i enjoy the time with my other friends. Sometime i feels so damn missing him. Trying to motivate my self  that someday our story will end in a happy ending.. This phase is no longer, just need a  bit time and more patient.

While everybody spend their Saturday night going together with their lover, we only spend the time in front of our laptop. We do webcam, chatting.. we share the things that already happened on that day. Without meet each other we know our update news, what happened with us just that time, anything can be share, laugh of simple things.. I'am happy, we rarely have a clash during we were separate,, but sometime we do can't avoid it. Well, like the water and the fire.. One becoming the water to extinguish the fire.. So the problem could be solved soon..

It's 3 month later, insallah we reach our distinction.. can't wait :)


Hi Blog..

Tonight i just want to tell story through this song:

Roughly this is what i am feeling now.

Trash Can Part Two

Hi again..

Hmm.. now here i am still at office. Waiting for the pray maghrib then go home. Actually my work hasn't finished yet. GOD!! Ok.. Maybe some of staffs here see me having not much work due to my work is just being the HR office ( i really do hate their perception!!). They may thought my job is simple (FYI, i'm on the IT company where they work base on the project, deadline, and sometime they have to do over time). But they don't know i do overtime too sometime. Especially when there are work are given to me, and it must be in the deadline. Otherwise they can do their work in a team. Well it's actually being my concern why am i not work in a HR team, why my management thought that having one HR officer it would be enough to handle all HR work.

Being the only one of HR officer here i have to give lots of effort and being the multitasking worker. Sometimes i have to do the other job beyond my real job desk.. And what it is? Well, i won't mention it.. I don't wanna it would be the polemic and i will be much tell those in here.. (yang pasti bukan merangkap sebagai OB, hehe)

Today, i am being such an enthusiastic one to work.. :( my work hasn't finished yet..

Berburu Sop Jando

Hi there..

Now then, i would like to tell about the soup that in the last 2 months makes me addicted..
Yes, the soup name is Sop Jando (lucu kali ye kalo di inggriskan, hahaha)

Pertama-tama gw hanya mendengar sop ini dari temen kantor gw, bu Lulu.. bu Lulu bilang, "sopnya enak bgt, super pedes.. mantap!" awalnya gw ga notice biasa aja. Tapi hampir tiap minggu dia cerita soal sop Jando, karena bu Lulu tiap minggu kalo ada waktu jalan-jalan selalu menyempatkan diri makan di sana.. Hmmmh, lama-lama jadi penasaran. Akhirnya insting penasaran gw membuatkan gw bertanya pada bu Lulu dimana alamatanya.. Ternyata tempatnya ga jauh dari rumah gw.. Alamatnya ada di: kawasan industri Cibitung 2100, tepatnya di Jl. Bali belakang PT. Sugiti. Bu Lulu bilang, tanya saja sama orang2 disekitar sana pasti mereka tau (dalam hati gw, wihh setenar itu kah RM itu).. Hal ini menambah kepenasaran gw untuk mencicipi makananya..( dalam pikiran gw udh kepikiran sop iga yang super pedes..) Maklum gw walopun keturunan jawa tapi lidah sumatera, karena dari kecil gw besar di sono ikut bokap kerja.. Jadi lidah gw dah kebal dengan pedas.

Akhirnya weekend tiba, sebelumnya gw udah cerita ke bonyok gw soal RM ini. Terutama bokap gw si pecinta sop2an.. apalagi sop iga langsung tertarik dan setuju ke sana.. Padahal bokap gw jawa tulen, yang notabene kebanyakan orang jawa ga suka pedes2an.. Akhirnya kita berangkat menuju RM. Nyari2.. dan tanya2 sebelumnya ke orang2 di daerah Jl. Bali sesuai dengan alamat dan akhirnya kita sampe. Pas nympe.. Rame Banget Booo!!! Penuh, gw langsung turun dan ambil langkah seribu ( menuju ke RM tersebut dan mencari tempat yang kosong untuk 4 orang (nyokap, bokap, ad gw dan gw). Akhirnya dapat.. Tempatnya biasa banget dan sangat dekat dengan area perkampungan warga..

From the outside

Tiba2 seorang mbak2 nanya mau sop yang pedas, setengah pedas ato ga pedas.. Gw and bokap gw order yang pedas, nyokap setengah pedas, dan ad gw pedes. Sembari menunggu makanan datang gw ngelihatin orang2 lain pada "seru" banget menyantep makannya.. Kenapa gw bilang "seru", mereka sangat menikmati makanan dengan bercucurkan keringat sluuuurp!! nikmatnyaaaaaa... :)

Akhirnya makanan gw datang, gw agak kaget ternyata poris sop nya banyaak banget... Satu mangkok penuh dengan iga dan sambel cabe hijaunya... Yummmmmy!!!

Ini lah dia Sop Jando-nya.. Dijamin ngiler ngelihatnya... :)
Kenapa dinamakan sop jando? kata orang2  yang punya adalah janda. Jadi dia menamakan usaha sopnya "sop jando". Unik banget namanya dan orang2 gampang ingetnya.. Namanya ibu Darmi yang punya RM ini, orangnya ramah banget. Cukup dengan kocek 18.000 dengan nasi yang bebas nambah. Terbilang murah menurut gw..

Yang gw lihat dari beberapa kali berkunjung, orang2 bahkan yang dari jauh pun berkunjung untuk mencicipi makanan ini. Ckckckck.. :) sekarang sudah 3 kali gw makan di sana tiap weekend. Karena menurut gw emang benaran enak. So, ga ada salahnya cobain!! Bagi yang ga suka pedes bisa request ga pedes. Slurrrp! Yummy!

The thousand islands

Dear blog,

Today i would like to tell story about my journey to the thousand islands (Pramuka Island and Tidung Island) in one day... What an exhausted day!!

I went on Wednesday, with my coworkers.. This was our survey to the both island for the outing that will be held by my company on the next month. Due to my Big Boss will be coming too, so we need to make sure everything going well there. So first thing we need to survey of the home stay where we live and the condition whether is clean or not clean, the foods, and the activity during the outing example: snorkeling, visiting the turtle breeding, banana boat, etc. All the things for the outing need to be assured good. Why? well, this is the first time of my company held the outing, and the management in Malaysia want everything is going safety, no one staff will get hurt there.

This is the Krapu Ferry at Marina Ancol
And we established the surveyor team to check all the things out to be needed there. We were 4 persons included the 2 HR, 1 of the show organizer committee and 1 of the documentation committee to take pictures all the things to be shown to the management here. With the Event Organizer that we have contacted already, we deal to meet at the Marina's dock. We went from Marina Ancol with Kerapu Ferry.. Kerapu Ferry was like the ferry that can be filled roughly 25 people. With the price IDR 32.000 per/person we could reach the Pramuka Island in about 2 hours.

Oh ya,, Actually we have 2 EO that has been contacted that day. One at the Pramuka Island and one at the Tidung Island. We contacted the both of this EO due to there are a lot of suggests form the employees about the best one between this two islands. So that we can compare between them...

When we arrived at the dock of Pramuka Island, all we see is the homes of the Pramuka Island's citizen.. There were the government office, schools, the football field. It was very DAMN HOT!! Thanks god i have the sunblock..

The beach nearby from the dock
I was not much see the long beach there except the beach near its dock. My first impression was this island is fully of the coral reefs. When the EO brought us to the some of home stays all the thing we see is the home that really near each other with the footpath in front of them. Yes, the home stay was looked like my dorm room when i was college hahaha.. but the different is each other could be filled 10 person, there were 6 persons, and many more. Commonly the home stay was in the middle of the Island. But there were 2 home stay were in the border of the island, so that we can see the sea without the beach exactly, that was the point why i don't prefer this island. And also there were much rubbish, it was bloody hell smelly and really bothered my eyes.. Euuuh!!  Disgusting..

This EO offer us the price if we use it: IDR 350.000/pack. We roughly have about 97 staffs.. Well, if my boss doesn't cut the very minimum of budget, we will choose the other island that better with its cottage and good view.. So that we should find the cheap island (sucks! :P). Before we leave, we did the negotiation with the EO, and he promise will give us the low price of it..
The wooden fishing boat

After the EO shown us the home stay and took us the places that we probably could do the activity during the outing, like futsal field, batminton field, the place for the barbeque, etc. we decided to go to the Tidung Island.
It was almost eleven o'clock. We have to arrive at Tidung Island before 2 pm. Because there were not Krapu Ferry after 2 pm from Tidung Island.. So we walked fast to the dock and find out the ferry to be rent. But there weren't the ferry to the Tidung Island.. It was only the fishing boat that was made up from the wood. It was IDR 250.000. (What a very expensive price for the wooden fishing boat). The fisher didn't want to give us the lower price, ok then we didn't want to waste the time then we deal of it. He said it was only about a half hour till 1 hour to reach Tidung Island.

Ok.. so we use the fishing boat. And say bismillah first.. And we left the island. We through some of islands like Air Island, Payung Island, and some more i forgot the name.. It was so beautiful and exotic.. There were still fully of the plants of the Island, and have the long beach that i saw from the distances, here are the pictures:
We was leaving the Pramuka Island

Payung Island  and Air Island with the green sea at the near beach, so beautiful!! We were about to through of the between of this two island

Payung Island with the shallow sea water from the right side

The Air Island from our left side

We like in the arizona river.. like in the film, where we through of between the two island that really close each other and having the green sea color and shallow sea water.. 

And then we entered the high sea with the billow.. 
My friend Rendi who has fat body, we asked him to sit at the middle of the boat. So that if there were the billow we could hold at him and if the boat drown we weren't sink to the sea, hahaha it was our job.. Anyway we realized that we didn't have the safety jacket while we already at the high sea.. My God..!! So every there were the billow and shacked our boat we hold the Rendi's arm.. :p 

Me with the team.. Rendi the fat one sat at middle of the boat..  and Tabita at the front, and Pak Aan who took the picture
The high sea, and leaving the Air and the Payung Islands, look at the color of the sea water.. It is blue, it was mean we ride into the deeper sea, WOHOOO!!

Next, We only saw the blue sea.. there were not the Island seen from our boat.. And the next 1 hour we still at the sea.. We almost worry because we didn't reach yet but the sea were going high and billow everytime..  

And after 2 hours we finally arrived, and it was at 1.30 pm which mean we only have a half hour to surrounding the places. We met the EO then we decided to visit the home stays. We visited the home stay that nearby the beach.. and we got into in the home, we directly agree of it.. besides it was new home and also clean. My impression was the Tidung Island cleaner than Pramuka and has the long beach... But i don't sure yet, because we didn't the other side of beach because we have to go back to the dock to get back to Marina soon at 2 pm. So we only visited some of home stays. But Tabita assure us that the home stay are so clean and Tidung has the good view when sunrise.. And it's compatible with price.. It's cheaper than Pramuka, per pack is IDR 260.000 with the same activity with the Pramuka Island have. Except the Turtle Breeding. Tidung has the LOVE BRIDGE, it's the famous from the Tidung Island. The bridge is connecting the small Tidung and Big Tidung. The small Tidung has the rarely home of citizen but having the long beach so we can play the sport beach there.

After visited some of home stay and took the pictures of them, we bought the ticket of Krapu Ferry to the Marina dock. And we left the Tidung Island.. While at the Krapu i just slept, got very sleepy eyes.. Than we arrived at Marina at 3.30 pm.. Then picked up by our driver.. Huffh.. What a Exhausted Journey in one day!!

Next, we will discuss which place we choose for the outing with the management.. but personally i preferable to Tidung Island :)
-Having the long beach
-Cleaner than Pramuka Island (as my vision)
-There are the "Love Bridge", i think it's the plus point :)


Trash Can Part One

Hi blog..

Sudah lama ga menulis blog lagi. Terus terang kemarin gw males nulis, selain ga ada ilham mau nulis apaan. Kali ini gw nulis karena gw punya sekarung curahan yang biasanya gw share di buku diary gw.. (rasanya gw juga dah lama ga nulis2 diary) dulu hampir tiap malam selalu mengupdate bu diary.

Ok lah.. i dont have time to write my story on my diary.. Nowhere only me and my laptop (honestly laptop kantor gw), yup gw sekarang ada di kantor.. Yang gw rasakan bercampur aduk. Rasanya segudang yang bergejelimat dalam pikiran gw. Pikiran kerjaan, persiapan pernikahan and wrangle with my boyfy..

Kerjaan gw ga pernah habis-habisnya.. ketika gw pulang selalu masih aja ada kerjaan yang menumpuk, dan sisanya keesokannya lagi gw lanjutkan.. Begitu seterusnya. ada beberapa kerjaan yang bener2 buat gw jenuh bgt.. Ah ga perlu gw sebutin disini, cukup gw sendiri dan temen2 seteam gw (walopun beda management). FYI, gw di sini sendiri sebagai HR and no one can to be my sharing friends. Kerjaan harus gw tangani sendiri (ok enough.. gw sudah jelaskan ini di cerita pertama gw).

Another thing is.. i have to arrange my wedding. Not at all but visible that i am the one have to arrange this. Bonyok gw membebaskan gw mengatur, segalanya di diskusikan sebelum diputuskan. Tapi tetap saja gw yang terjun dalam operasional persiapan wedding gw. Cowok gw jauh di negara nun jauh sono.. so he only know the progressing update from the distances. Ok i try to enjoy this momment. Anggap saja gw ini seorang wedding organizer.. tapi lama kelamaan yah i admit that i get stress. Tapi gw berusaha untuk positif thinking saja ngejalani semuanya.

Hal lainnya lagi adalah, yah seperti pasangan menjelang nikah selalu diliputi rasa cemas, rasa galau, rasa panik, rasa was was kalau acaranya tidak sesuai rencana.. Sehingga ini lah yang memunculkan stress menjelang nikah (syndrom pra nikah). Itu terbukti emang gw sm pasangan gw akhir2 ini suka berantem (bukan selalu juga sih). Selama pacaran 2 tahun kita jarang banget berantem.. Everything is going smoothly.. yah.. baru kali ini kita berantem yang hebat.. So jika ada masalah seperti itu gw ambil inisiatif untuk menemukan solusinya, gw ga mw masalah jadi besar karena ego masing-masing (batu ketemu batu ga akan ketemu). Untungnya kita sama-sama sadari bahwa dengan ego yang berbicara persoalan ga akan selesai. Intinya ketika ada masalah hari itu juga harus tuntas and berdamai..

Mudah-mudahan ga ada lagi masalah walopun sebenarnya hidup kita ga akan luput dari masalah itu sendiri. Gw menemukan artikel mengenai stress pra nikah : Jangan pernah menikah karena merasa pernikahan itu indah, tapi menikahlah ketika kamu tahu bahwa pernikahan itu memiliki banyak sekali persoalan dan kamu siap untuk itu. Atau mungkin bisa berbunyi seperti ini: “Menikahlah ketika kamu merasa sudah dewasa”. Dengan begitu, ketika ada masalah perasaan dewasalah yang akan mengambil keputusan. (by
Gw rasa ada benarnya..

Ok cukup sekian..
Isi karungnya akan di keluarkan dicerita berikutnya..